Thursday, December 24, 2009

My Rant

I am watching the health care fiasco and I have to admit that I am growing increasingly outraged at the "taxing the wealthy" garbage everybody is spewing. Now, do not get me wrong, I have a permanent grudge against Republicans given there incessant destruction of the environment, but these Democrats are ridiculous.

First, nobody is "taxing the wealthy" - they are taxing the people, like me, who are actually starting to make real money. The truly wealthy receive no hits - and will most likely get yet another tax break if things continue as is. Since they run the country, nobody really talks about THAT.

Me, on the other hand, I get severely punished and for what?!? I literally used to live in a car, I was so poor for so long that hunger was a constant companion and eating was not a "when" thing but an "if" thing. I remember eating a cup of rice every 3 days because I could afford nothing else, taking "showers" using the construction site garden hose and drinking large volumes of water right before bed so my hunger pangs would ease enough for sleep. I remember rejoicing when I landed a McDonald's job at night - not for the money (they barely paid anything) but because the job came with a free meal each night. And I remember the first night at McDonald's when I tried, but failed, to eat an entire cheeseburger because my stomach was too small.

But I persevered - I worked (and work) nights, weekends, holidays. I put in 18 hour days, 7 days a week and while most people are playing on the weekend, I am working. I pulled myself through college and dozens of menial jobs and now I am finally starting to make it. I do not see most people working anywhere nearly as hard as me and yet the Democrats want me to pay to make everybody's lives easier - this is ridiculous.

I am frustrated and angry that I am being punished for overcoming the odds and making something of myself. I never got ANYTHING from the government and, in fact, when I needed help I was discriminated against. That's right - I had the senior Financial Aid director at my college tell me flat out that while I definitely deserved aid given my financial situation the fact that I was Caucasian meant I would never receive a dime. Nobody has taken me under their wing or given me a break - I have scraped and clawed for everything I have and now I have to pay for other people to screw off - seriously?!?

See, I am finally getting close to the point where I can actually create profitable businesses and hire people and if you think for a minute I am staying in a country that punishes my success to do so, you are gravely mistaken. As soon as I can, I am out of here and away from such a bizarre world as the harder you work, the more you get punished.

Think I am alone?!? Think again. I seem to have a history of thinking the same things that most people in my position think - are there a ton of us "upper middle class" income people that are fed up with being screwed over by a government that wages class warfare and punishes those that are trying the hardest to succeed.

Where is our fair representation, why do we have to bear this burden???

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