Saturday, December 19, 2009

Issues with Google

So I am generally a huge fan of Google but I have to admit that actually finding somebody there to talk with about my invention is unbelievably frustrating.

I know, I know 90% of the startup world ends with "...and sell it to Google". In this case, however just imagine it - the next version of Droid comes out and it can literally play any application from any other device. Is there an iPhone you like - no problem. How about a Blackberry, Palm or any other platform app? Got it covered.

We literally have the ability to expand Droid into a truly universal application platform and this is the Ideal Time to get them involved...we have a would take us 3 to 6 months to finish everything and Google significantly less time...and I Cannot Find Any Way To Talk To Google!!!

Sure I am trying the VC route, and the "who do I possibly know" route and every other route I can imagine - nothing is working. The VC route - as you can read - keep throwing up hurtles that are meaningless to Google. This technology can literally be baked into Droid but only once Google opens up access to us (or takes the technology for themselves) - until then everything we build is pretty much throw away code on the playback side.

It is so frustrating to literally see how your revolutionary technology can really make a huge impact and yet to be unable to do anything about it...

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